This afternoon I received my Pin Exchange piece from Laura!! She made me the most wonderful pinkeep/scissor pocket/needlebook with the Prairie Schooler design E is for Embroidery. I just love it!!! Isn't this a clever way of finishing? It will be fun to take this to classes for holding my scissors and needles.
The ribbon holds the scissors in the pocket, and the other side unsnaps to reveal a place to put my needles. Thank you so much Laura!
Now I'm feeling even MORE guilty about not getting my pin exchange package out on time, but I finished up everything at 10:00 last night and mailed it out this morning. Hopefully the recipient will forgive me ;).
This week I also got my book for my EGA Group Correspondence Course To the Acorn by Pat Krahn. Isn't it a pretty piece? Hopefully I can keep up with this one. I don't have a very good track record with GCC's, this is the fourth one I've signed up for so far and I've only finished one. I'm going to have to make a considered effort on this one - LOL. The first GCC I tried to do, almost five years ago, was Crewel Confidence by Judy Jeroy. I got as far as getting all the materials, but I never started it. The second one was White Queen by Carolyn Standing Webb, and that one I actually finished, and I loved it!! You can see my finished piece here. I still need to fix the two marked mistakes and attach the pearls on the crown, then I can frame it. Last year I signed up for Tiramisu by Dakota Rogers, and I actually started it, but I didn't get past the first band - I had such a hard time making it reversible. I had picked a lovely pallet of greens from Hand Dyed Fibers, and I hope to join this class again and finish the piece. Oh, and I forgot, I signed up for a another one soon after I moved here - Finishing With Flair by Marion Scoular - on that one, all I did was read the book! Jeez, I really am bad with these - ROFLOL. So, I'd better finish this one!!
what a delightful pinkeep! Best of luck with your classes :)
Gorgeous gift! Can't wait to see what you made too :-).
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